Answer our survey on attending or exhibiting at in-person events
MarTech's Event Participation Index has been following how ready marketers are for conferences. Please tell us your thoughts.
Pre-pandemic life is starting to return. Travel is up. Masks are coming off. And indoor dining is an option once more.
The relaxation in pandemic restrictions is also rippling through the business world as conferences and trade shows schedule in-person events for this summer and fall. We’re not surprised, since the last edition of our Events Participation Index showed that many marketers were ready to hit the conference hall floor as early as the third quarter of 2021.
But a sizable number of marketers still seemed luke-warm to the idea of business travel, which is why we are once again asking marketers to share their sentiments on returning to in-person events.
Please click here to take our 3-minute survey.
We will publish the results in the coming weeks on MarTech.
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